Meaning of the word "URS" from Sahih hadith
The literal meaning of Urs is wedding, and it is for this reason that the bride and bridegroom are called 'Uroos'.
Word Urs in Sahih Hadith
The date of demise of the Friends of Allahعزوجل and Buzurgs is called Urs because, whih the angels who question in the grave (Nakeerain) test the deceased and find him to be successful, they say, "Sleep like a bride who will not be awakened by anyone except for the person who is most beloved to her."
Reference : [Mishkaat, Baabu Ithbaatil-Qabr]
Because these angels have called them 'Uroos' on that date, it therefore becomes the day of 'Urs',
Another reason is because, on this day, the angels will reveal the beauty and splendor of Rasoolullahصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and ask him, "What did you say about this man?" He will reply, "He is the Uroos (adorned personality) of all creation. The entire creation has attained splendor through him." Meeting the beloved is the day of 'Urs', and it is for this reason that the day is called Urs.
Celebration of Urs proven from Sahih hadith and Sunnah of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Let me quote the arabic hadiths again From tafseer ibn e khateer
Reference :
►Tafsir Tabari,
►Tafsir Ibn-Kathir for Quran 13:20
►and Tafsir Qurtabi by Imam Tabari, Imam Qurtabi commentary of Surah Ra’d Verse 20.]
► Shaami states and quotes same hadith in Vol. 1, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor
So from Above Sahih hadith we conclude that
1) On the day of the passing away of a Saint or on a specific date, his admirers, disciples, followers and relatives assemble together at the grave of the Saint to obtain spiritual benefit and celebrate the anniversary with rejoice.
2) It is also very worthy to recite the Quran Shareef and pass on the Sawaab (reward) to their soul and to recite Fateha and distribute sweetmeat among those present.To Recite Naats or do other forms of Zikr of Allah is also done on such a blessed day.
3) Or to give lectures and remember the work done by Awliyas [rahimullah] and how they acted on Quran and sunnah and spread Islam around the world.
View point of Classical scholars of Al Islam
Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
writes, "Secondly, many people gather and, after completing the Quran and Fatiha on the Sheerini, distribute it amongst those present. This part was not practiced in the Holy Prophet’sصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم time or during the era of the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen, but there is nothing wrong in someone doing so. Rather, the deceased attain benefit from the actions of the living."
[Fataawa Azeezia, Pg. 45]
Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi
Answering Maulwi Abdul-Hakeem Siyaalkoti, Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ writes, "This taunt is because people are unaware of conditions.
No one accepts anything else to be Fardh except for what the Shariah has classified as so, Yes, attaining barkat from the graves of the pious, reciting the Holy Quraa and Isaal-e-Thawaab and distributing sweetmeats and food to assist them (m thawaab) is good according to the Consensus of the Ulama. The day of Urs appointed to remind people of his demise. Otherwise, on whatever day these acts are done is good," -
[Zubdatun-Nasaaih fi Masaailiz-Zabaaih]
Hadrat Shaikh Abdul Qudoos Gangoohi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
writes to Maulana Jalaaluddin, "The Urs of Peers, according to their method with Samaa wl cleanliness, should be practiced,"
[ Maktoob. Letter no. 182]
Haaji Imdaadulilb Muhaajir Makkir رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
the Peer of Maulwi Rashid Ahmed and Ashraf Ali Thanwi [deoband founders ], notably stresses the permissibility of Urs and, while explaining his practices, رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ writes, "The practice of this Feqe (i.e. myself) in this matter is that I make Isaal-e- Thawaab to the soul of my Peer every year. Firstly, Quran is recited, and if there is enough time, Moulood Sharif is read.
Thereafter the reward of this is conveyed." -
Deobandi founder Rashid Aluned Gangohi
also accepts Urs to originally be permissible. He writes, "
It is known from Arabs that they used to commemorate the Urs of Hadrat Sayed Ahmed Badawi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ on a large scale with much pomp, The Ulama of Medina used to especially observe the Urs of Sayyiduna Ameer Hamza رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ.
Whose grave (Mazaar) was at the mountain of Uhud. In short, Muslims throughout the globe, including the Ulama, pious and especially the people of Madina, used to strictly observe Urs, and that which is good according to Muslims is good in the sight of A1lah عزوجل "
[Fataawa Rashidia, Vol.1, Pg. 92]
The literal meaning of Urs is wedding, and it is for this reason that the bride and bridegroom are called 'Uroos'.
Word Urs in Sahih Hadith
The date of demise of the Friends of Allahعزوجل and Buzurgs is called Urs because, whih the angels who question in the grave (Nakeerain) test the deceased and find him to be successful, they say, "Sleep like a bride who will not be awakened by anyone except for the person who is most beloved to her."
Reference : [Mishkaat, Baabu Ithbaatil-Qabr]
Because these angels have called them 'Uroos' on that date, it therefore becomes the day of 'Urs',
Another reason is because, on this day, the angels will reveal the beauty and splendor of Rasoolullahصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and ask him, "What did you say about this man?" He will reply, "He is the Uroos (adorned personality) of all creation. The entire creation has attained splendor through him." Meeting the beloved is the day of 'Urs', and it is for this reason that the day is called Urs.
Celebration of Urs proven from Sahih hadith and Sunnah of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Let me quote the arabic hadiths again From tafseer ibn e khateer
فيدخل فيسلم ثم ينصرف، رواه ابن جرير. ورواه ابن أبي حاتم من حديث إسماعيل بن عياش، عن أرطاة بن المنذر عن أبي الحجاج يوسف الألهاني قال: سمعت أبا أمامة، فذكر نحوه. وقد جاء في الحديث أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يزور قبور الشهداء في رأس كل حول، فيقول لهم: { سَلَـٰمٌ عَلَيْكُم بِمَا صَبَرْتُمْ فَنِعْمَ عُقْبَىٰ ٱلدَّارِ } وكذلك أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان
Translation : The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to go to the graves of the martyrs of Uhd once a year and also recite the verse of the Holy Qur’an on excellence of patience. The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to pray for them. When the beloved Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) passed away himself, the Khalifs, Abu-Bakr (رضي الله عنه), Umar (رضي الله عنه), Usman (رضي الله عنه) used to do the same thing.Reference :
►Tafsir Tabari,
►Tafsir Ibn-Kathir for Quran 13:20
►and Tafsir Qurtabi by Imam Tabari, Imam Qurtabi commentary of Surah Ra’d Verse 20.]
► Shaami states and quotes same hadith in Vol. 1, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor
So from Above Sahih hadith we conclude that
1) On the day of the passing away of a Saint or on a specific date, his admirers, disciples, followers and relatives assemble together at the grave of the Saint to obtain spiritual benefit and celebrate the anniversary with rejoice.
2) It is also very worthy to recite the Quran Shareef and pass on the Sawaab (reward) to their soul and to recite Fateha and distribute sweetmeat among those present.To Recite Naats or do other forms of Zikr of Allah is also done on such a blessed day.
3) Or to give lectures and remember the work done by Awliyas [rahimullah] and how they acted on Quran and sunnah and spread Islam around the world.
View point of Classical scholars of Al Islam
Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
writes, "Secondly, many people gather and, after completing the Quran and Fatiha on the Sheerini, distribute it amongst those present. This part was not practiced in the Holy Prophet’sصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم time or during the era of the Khulafaa-e-Raashideen, but there is nothing wrong in someone doing so. Rather, the deceased attain benefit from the actions of the living."
[Fataawa Azeezia, Pg. 45]
Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi
Answering Maulwi Abdul-Hakeem Siyaalkoti, Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ writes, "This taunt is because people are unaware of conditions.
No one accepts anything else to be Fardh except for what the Shariah has classified as so, Yes, attaining barkat from the graves of the pious, reciting the Holy Quraa and Isaal-e-Thawaab and distributing sweetmeats and food to assist them (m thawaab) is good according to the Consensus of the Ulama. The day of Urs appointed to remind people of his demise. Otherwise, on whatever day these acts are done is good," -
[Zubdatun-Nasaaih fi Masaailiz-Zabaaih]
Hadrat Shaikh Abdul Qudoos Gangoohi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
writes to Maulana Jalaaluddin, "The Urs of Peers, according to their method with Samaa wl cleanliness, should be practiced,"
[ Maktoob. Letter no. 182]
Haaji Imdaadulilb Muhaajir Makkir رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
the Peer of Maulwi Rashid Ahmed and Ashraf Ali Thanwi [deoband founders ], notably stresses the permissibility of Urs and, while explaining his practices, رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ writes, "The practice of this Feqe (i.e. myself) in this matter is that I make Isaal-e- Thawaab to the soul of my Peer every year. Firstly, Quran is recited, and if there is enough time, Moulood Sharif is read.
Thereafter the reward of this is conveyed." -
Deobandi founder Rashid Aluned Gangohi
also accepts Urs to originally be permissible. He writes, "
It is known from Arabs that they used to commemorate the Urs of Hadrat Sayed Ahmed Badawi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ on a large scale with much pomp, The Ulama of Medina used to especially observe the Urs of Sayyiduna Ameer Hamza رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ.
Whose grave (Mazaar) was at the mountain of Uhud. In short, Muslims throughout the globe, including the Ulama, pious and especially the people of Madina, used to strictly observe Urs, and that which is good according to Muslims is good in the sight of A1lah عزوجل "
[Fataawa Rashidia, Vol.1, Pg. 92]
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