There are two types of impurity:
1. Najasat-e-Ghalizah (intense impurity)
2. Najasat-e-Khafifah (light impurity)
(Fatawa Qadi Khan, vol. 1, pp. 10)
● Najasat-e-Ghalizah (Intense Impurity)
1. Anything that excretes from the human body, causing Ghusl or Wudu to become Wajib is Najasat-e-Ghalizah for example, stool, urine, running blood, pus, a mouthful ofvomit, menstrual/post-natal bleeding, semen, Mazi, Wadi.(Fatawa ‘Alamgiri, vol. 1, pp. 46)
2. The blood that has not flowed out of the wound is pure.(Fatawa Razawiyyah (referenced), vol. 1, pp. 280)
3. Water coming out of an aching eye is Najasat-e-Ghalizah.Similarly, water coming out of the navel or the teat due topain is also Najasat-e-Ghaliah.(Ibid, vol. 1, pp. 269-270)
4. The running blood of every land animal as well as the meatand fat of the carrion are Najasat-e- Ghalizah. (Carrionis an animal that has circulating blood and has diedwithout Shari’ah-compliant slaughter. Moreover, an animal slaughtered by a fire worshipper, an idol-worshipper ora religious apostate is also carrion even if such a personhas slaughtered a Halal animal like a goat etc. by reciting . The meat and the skin of this animal hasbecome impure. However, if a Muslim has slaughtered even a Haram animal according to the Shar’i method, its meatis pure but eating this meat is Haram. This ruling does notapply to the pig which is Najis-ul-‘Ayn i.e. which can neverbe purified in anyway).
5. Feces and urine of Haram quadrupeds like the dog, the lion,the vixen, the cat, the rat, the donkey, the mule, the elephantand the pig; and the dung of the horse
6. Feces of every Halal quadruped like the cow, the buffalo, thegoat, the camel
7. Droppings of a bird which cannot fly high like the hen andthe duck — whether the bird is small or big
8. Every type of wine and intoxicating toddy
9. The feces and urine of the snake
10. The meat of those wild snakes and frogs which have circulatingblood even if they are slaughtered. Similarly their skin even If it is tanned
11. The meat, bones and hair of a pig even if it is slaughtered.All these are Najasat-e-Ghalizah.(Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 2,pp. 112-113)
12. The blood of the lizard and the chameleon is Najasat-e-Ghalizah.(Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 2, pp. 113)
13. The secretion of an elephant’s trunk and the saliva of the lion, the dog, the leopard and other (quadrupeds) beasts areNajasat-e-Ghalizah. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 2, pp. 113)
● Najasat-e-Khafifah (light Impurity)
The urine of the animals whose meat is Halal (e.g. the cow,the ox, the buffalo, the goat, the camel etc.) and the urine of the horse
the droppings of the birds whose meat is Haram, whetherthey are predator or not (e.g. the crow, the kite, the falcon,the hawk etc.)
(Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 2, pp. 113)
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